
Custom Title

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Facility Starter

Begin measuring your environmental impact with this foundational assessment.

Check Icon Facility Foundations: Introductory environmental assessment.

Check Icon Unlimited shares of assessment.

Check Icon Benchmarking.

Check Icon CSV export of data.

US$299 /year

Facility Environmental Module

Get a complete look at your environmental impact to support buyer requirements.

Check Icon FEM - Environmental Assessment

Check Icon Unlimited shares of assessment

Check Icon Benchmarking

Check Icon CSV export of data

$429 /year

Facility Plus

Understand your entire impact with features for deeper analysis.

Most Popular

Check Icon FEM - Environmental Assessment

Check Icon FSLM - Social & Labor Assessment

Check Icon Unlimited shares of assessment

Check Icon Benchmarking

Check Icon CSV export of data

Check Icon FEM Communications Toolkit

$629 /year

Facility Social & Labor Management

Get a complete look at your environmental impact to support buyer requirements.

Check Icon Unlimited shares of assessment

Check Icon Benchmarking

Check Icon CSV export of data

$299 /year

Buy Assessment

Centric PLM’s integration with Worldly will empower our customers to make better choices that benefit their environmental impact, brand reputation and bottom line.

Chris Groves

President and CEO of Centric Software

Chris Groves

President and CEO of Centric Software

Important Dates

Worldly dates ( 2023 - 24 )

Nov 05

Higg FEM 2021 self-assessment is accessible; Higg verification available to purchase.

Nov 06

2 - Higg FEM 2021 self-assessment is accessible; Higg verification available to purchase.

ASOS dates ( 2023 - 24 )

Nov 07

New - Higg FEM 2021 self-assessment is accessible; Higg verification available to purchase.

Nov 08

New 2 - Higg FEM 2021 self-assessment is accessible; Higg verification available to purchase.


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Title 2

Nov 2

bla bla bla

Dezember 20, 2023

New bla bla bla

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