Worldly Holdings Inc



Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024


Notice of Recording

By registering for, attending, or participating in the event that these terms are posted to (“Event”), whether in person or virtually, you acknowledge and agree that (i) you have been informed that you may be photographed, filmed, or otherwise recorded as part of the recording of the Event (the “Production”), (ii) you grant Worldly the right to record, film, live stream, edit, use and distribute your image and/or voice in any photographs, videography, audio and/or video reproductions captured during the Event, and (iii) you further grant your irrevocable consent to Worldly, its successors, assigns, and licensees to include your name, likeness, photographic image, mannerisms, and voice in the Production and in any and all media, such as print and electronic media, including but not limited to social media feeds (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook), marketing campaigns, publications or other similar uses, without compensation and/or credit, and for such Production to be exploited for any purpose whatsoever in any and all media now known or hereafter devised throughout the universe in perpetuity.



All photographs, film or video footage, or other audio or video recordings of the Event, and any works derived therefrom, shall be the sole property of the Worldly and you waive any and all rights of publicity, privacy, or other rights therein. You further waive any and all rights to bring an action at law or equity related to the Production against the Worldly and its officers, directors, members, employees, vendors, volunteers, successors, assigns, and licensees, and release them from any and all liability whatsoever related to the Production. If you do not wish to be photographed, recorded, or appear in the Production, you should not register for, attend, or participate in the Event.



Assumption of the Risk

Your attendance at the Event is strictly voluntary. By attending the Event, you voluntarily, knowingly, and freely assume all such risks related to your attendance or participation in the Event (including the Production), even if arising from the negligence or fault associated with the Event or activity, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the actions, omissions, negligence, fault or conduct of any kind by you and others, including, but not limited to, Worldly, Worldly staff, host location staff, the Event attendees, exhibitors, or sponsors, who may attend the Event or their respective families, colleagues, or others with whom they may have contact.



Accordingly, you agree to release, waive and forever discharge any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature against Worldly and its affiliated partners and sponsors, including in each case, without limitation, their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), either in law or in equity, to the fullest extent permissible by law, including but not limited to damages or losses caused by the actions, omissions, negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties, including but not limited to death, bodily injury, illness, economic loss or out of pocket expenses, which your heirs, assignees, next of kin and/or legally appointed or designated representatives, may have or which may hereinafter accrue on your behalf, which arise or may hereafter arise from your attendance at the Event.


Conference Disclaimer  

The Event has been organized by Worldly. The Event is provided on an “as-is” basis. The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the speakers, attendees, or sponsors at the Event are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of Worldly or any employee thereof. Worldly makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information presented by speakers, attendees or sponsors at the Event and will not be liable for any errors, omissions or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use. Worldly does not endorse, and expressly disclaims all liability relating to, any of the products or services provided by speakers, attendees, or sponsors.



Worldly reserves the right, from time to time, in its sole discretion, to revise, modify, or update these Terms.  When changes are made that relate to use of the Site, we will provide you with notice of such changes, such as by sending an email, providing a notice through our Site or updating the Last Updated date at the top of these Terms following modification. When changes are made that relate to the Services, Worldly will provide you with notice either by email or through the Platform or by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of the Terms following modification.  Worldly may require you to provide consent to the updated Terms in a specified manner before further use of the Services.  If you do not agree to any change(s) after receiving notice of such change(s), you agree to stop using the Site or the Services, as applicable.  If you continue to use the Site or the Services, your continued use constitutes your acceptance of such changes. PLEASE REGULARLY CHECK THE SITE  OR THE PLATFORM TO VIEW THE CURRENT TERMS.



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