
Manufacturers use Worldly to reduce audit fatigue accelerate their environmental sustainability progress



Worldly serves tens of thousands of facilities around the world, with many located in China, where CEO Scott Raskin recently traveled. He provided the keynote address at Cascale’s Manufacturer Forum in Shanghai and spoke about the exciting advancements and innovations we’re seeing from our manufacturer customers when it comes to environmental sustainability.


Manufacturers, just like brands, are accelerating.

Scott Raskin

Chief Executive Officer at Worldly

“Manufacturers, just like brands, are accelerating,” he said. “They want to improve their performance and  showcase their great progress instead of just providing data about their GHG emissions, waste, water, and other impacts. Manufacturers are a driving customer force for Worldly, and they’re using the Higg Facility Environmental Module to progress towards their sustainability goals. And now, with tools like our new Facility Data Manager, they can also gather environmental data regularly and more easily throughout the year to evaluate how they’re doing and identify areas for collaboration more frequently.”



Manufacturers are also eliminating audit fatigue and reducing costs and effort while meeting customer requirements. With Worldly they can do one assessment based on industry standards and share their performance with as many brands as they want.


In a recent survey Worldly conducted, manufacturers highlighted that their facilities are focused on improving their sustainability performance and want to highlight to their brand partners the strategies and programs they’re implementing to reduce GHG emissions, minimize water use, and manage chemicals following best practices. They’re investing in initiatives deep within apparel companies’ supply chains — where most environmental impact occurs — to improve the industry’s carbon footprint and reduce global emissions most effectively. We believe they should be recognized for the great work and progress they’re making.



Facility Data Manager: enabling facilities with data and insights

At Worldly, we’re committed to providing global manufacturers the tools and solutions they need to support their social and environmental goals. At the forum in Shanghai, Vic Lau, Worldly Customer Success Manager, discussed how Worldly’s Facility Data Manager is aimed at enabling manufacturing facilities, regardless of where they are on their sustainability journey, with the data and insights they need to inform strategic decisions, track performance against targets, and share progress with brand partners.



“Facility Data Manager can cater to the needs of small-scale factories that want to start environmental assessment but do not have much prior experience, free time, and resources,” he said. “It provides high-frequency reliable data without requiring much effort from the facility. The Higg Facility Environmental Module is a great, longer annual assessment for facilities that are seeking more in-depth annual data.”



As we continuously deepen our partnership with manufacturing facilities, we’re working closely with our manufacturer customers to understand what tools and solutions they need to support their sustainability goals and strategies. We’re excited to showcase the great work they’re doing to improve environmental performance and support their local communities.



Learn more about Facility Data Manager here!


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