Get a handle on 90% of impact in supply chain

Suppliers are at the heart of the production process, accounting for up to 90% of environmental impact. Get a true picture of your facilities manufacturing impact and partner with them to make improvements where it matters most.


Worldly helped Hydro Flask better align with our suppliers while also building trust. We gained more visibility into our global supply chain, and identified areas to improve social and environmental performance.

Indigo Teiwes

Director of Corporate Sustainability at Hydro Flask

Indigo Teiwes

Director of Corporate Sustainability at Hydro Flask

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Visualize supplier performance

Rigorous data for leading brands

The brands you trust, trust Wordly. We’re delivering the technology you need to make meaningful change faster.

Visualize supplier performance

Surface insights quickly about supplier performance across environmental, social, and governance concerns. Drill down to identify areas of risk and opportunity and start making a difference.

Manage assessment completion across

Efficiently track assessment completion by facility partners. Automated communications and save time gathering an accurate view of your impact.

Higg Index Tools for Suppliers

The right tools for the leaders in sustainable production. Use the tools industry leaders trust to collaborate with suppliers.


Frequently Asked Questions

While Higg is best widely-used within the apparel and footwear industry, Higg also works in industries such as outdoor, home goods, automotive, personal care, electronics, and toys. Many customers have successfully used our solutions for performance management in other categories, and we are actively establishing partnerships across industries. We’re committed to evolving our solutions to help other verticals that have been asking for a proven framework for impact reduction.

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