Supplier Management
Mitigate risks, monitor practices, and identify hotspots within your supply chain.
Mitigate risks, monitor practices, and identify hotspots within your supply chain.
Suppliers are at the heart of the production process, accounting for up to 90% of environmental impact. Get a true picture of your facilities manufacturing impact and partner with them to make improvements where it matters most.
50,000+ suppliers submit annual, verified sustainability data to our platform, making Worldly the most widely used and trusted source of consumer goods industry data.
Worldly is bringing you the future of sustainability insights. Join our globally trusted platform and use our benchmarking feature to compare your manufacturing partners’ assessments with other similar factories in the industry.
The right tools for the leaders in sustainable production. Use the tools industry leaders trust to collaborate with suppliers.
The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) measures environmental impact of product manufacturing at facilities – from water use, to waste management, to chemical and energy use.
The Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (Higg FSLM) measures the social impact of manufacturing across areas such as wages, working hours, health and safety, and employee treatment.
Learn more about how Worldly assessments can help you build loyalty and grow your business.
While Higg is best widely-used within the apparel and footwear industry, Higg also works in industries such as outdoor, home goods, automotive, personal care, electronics, and toys. Many customers have successfully used our solutions for performance management in other categories, and we are actively establishing partnerships across industries. We’re committed to evolving our solutions to help other verticals that have been asking for a proven framework for impact reduction.
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